Egg wash is a versatile ingredient that adds a glossy finish and helps seal in moisture to baked goods like bread, pastries, and pies. However, not everyone can or wants to use eggs in their recipes due to dietary restrictions, allergies, or personal preferences. Luckily, there are various egg wash substitutes available that can work just as effectively. In this blog post, we will explore the top 10 best egg wash substitutes that cater to various dietary needs and preferences.

What is Egg Wash

Egg wash is a culinary technique where a mixture of beaten eggs, typically with a small amount of liquid (like water or milk), is brushed onto the surface of baked goods, such as bread, pastries, or pies, before they are placed in the oven. It serves various purposes, including adding a glossy finish, promoting browning, and helping toppings adhere to the baked items.

Why Replace Eggs in Egg Wash

There are several reasons why someone might choose to replace eggs in an egg wash:

  1. Dietary Restrictions: Some individuals have dietary restrictions or allergies that prevent them from consuming eggs. Replacing eggs in an egg wash allows them to enjoy baked goods without compromising their dietary needs.
  2. Vegan Lifestyle: Vegans abstain from all animal products, including eggs. Using egg alternatives in an egg wash allows vegans to maintain their lifestyle while still achieving a glossy finish on baked items.
  3. Health Concerns: Some people may be concerned about the cholesterol content of eggs and opt for egg substitutes for health reasons.
  4. Taste Preferences: Egg wash substitutes can offer unique flavours and textures that some people prefer over the traditional egg wash. For example, melted butter or malt syrup can add distinct flavours to baked goods.
  5. Availability: In some cases, individuals may run out of eggs or not have them readily available in their kitchen. Using a substitute can be a convenient solution.

In essence, replacing eggs in an egg wash provides flexibility for various dietary, ethical, and taste preferences, making it possible for a broader range of people to enjoy baked goods.

What to Use Instead of Egg Wash: The Best Substitutes

Here are the top tested substitutes to use instead of an egg wash:

Vegan Egg Wash Substitute

For those following a vegan lifestyle, a simple and effective egg wash alternative can be made using almond milk and maple syrup.

Mix equal parts of almond milk and maple syrup, and lightly brush this mixture onto your baked goods for a golden, vegan-friendly finish.

Melted Butter

If you’re not strictly vegan, melted butter can be a fantastic egg wash substitute. Simply brush melted butter onto your pastry with a pastry brush for a rich and glossy finish.

Custard Powder

Custard powder can add a unique flavor and color to your baked goods. To create a custard-based egg wash, mix custard powder with water until you achieve the desired consistency. Brush this mixture onto your pastries or pies for a delightful touch.

Malt Syrup

Malt syrup, known for its rich and slightly sweet flavor, can be a great egg wash substitute. Dilute malt syrup with a bit of water, then brush it lightly onto your baked goods to achieve a beautiful golden finish.

Soy Milk

Soy milk is a popular dairy-free milk alternative that works well as an egg wash substitute. Brush it onto your baked goods to get a nice shine and browning effect during baking.

Ground Flaxseed (Flax Egg)

For a healthy and vegan egg wash alternative, consider making a flax egg. Mix ground flaxseed with water and allow it to sit until it thickens to an egg-like consistency. Brush this flax egg onto your pastry or bread before baking.

Coconut Oil

Melted coconut oil is another great choice for an egg wash substitute. Brush it onto your baked goods to achieve a glossy finish with a hint of coconut flavor.


In a pinch, plain water can be used as a simple egg wash substitute. Brush water lightly onto your pastry, bread, or pie crust to help with browning during baking.


Yogurt can be an excellent egg wash substitute for certain recipes, especially those with a savory twist. Brush a thin layer of yogurt onto your baked goods for a unique finish.


Heavy cream or half-and-half can create a rich and indulgent egg wash substitute. Brush it onto your pastries or pies before baking for a luscious golden finish.

How to Make Egg Wash Vegan

Making a vegan egg wash is a straightforward process, and there are a few different methods you can choose from, depending on the ingredients you have on hand. Here’s a basic recipe for a vegan egg wash:

Ingredients for a Vegan Egg Wash Alternative

  1. Plant-Based Milk: You can use almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, or any other non-dairy milk of your choice.
  2. Sweetener: Maple syrup, agave nectar, or any vegan-friendly liquid sweetener can be used.

How to Make Vegan Egg Wash

  1. Mix the Ingredients:
    • In a bowl, combine equal parts of your chosen plant-based milk and liquid sweetener. Typically, you can use 1/4 cup of each for a small batch, but you can adjust the quantity based on your needs.
  2. Whisk:
    • Use a whisk to thoroughly combine the plant-based milk and sweetener. This will create a vegan-friendly egg wash with a slightly sweet flavour.
  3. Brush It On:
    • Once your vegan egg wash is well-mixed, use a pastry brush to lightly brush it onto the surface of your baked goods, such as pies, pastries, or bread, just as you would with a traditional egg wash.
  4. Bake:
    • Proceed with your baking as usual. The vegan egg wash will help your baked items achieve a glossy finish and promote browning during baking.
  5. Optional Variations:
    • You can experiment with different plant-based milk and sweetener combinations to suit your taste. For a savoury twist, you can omit the sweetener altogether and use plain non-dairy milk.

Keep in mind that the choice of plant-based milk and sweetener may affect the flavour and color of your final product, so feel free to adjust them to match your recipe and taste preferences. Enjoy your vegan baked goods with a cruelty-free and deliciously glossy finish!

How to Always Pick the Right Egg Wash Substitute

Choosing the right egg wash substitute is essential to achieving the desired results in your baked goods. Here are some factors to consider when selecting the best substitute for your recipe:

  1. Dietary Restrictions: If you or your intended audience have dietary restrictions, such as being vegan or allergic to eggs, ensure that the substitute you choose aligns with those dietary needs. For vegans, plant-based options like almond milk, soy milk, or flaxseed can be excellent choices.
  2. Flavour Profile: Consider the flavour profile you want to achieve. Some egg wash substitutes, like melted butter or malt syrup, can add distinct flavours to your baked goods. Match the substitute to the flavour you desire.
  3. Browning and Gloss: Different substitutes may have varying effects on browning and glossiness. For a rich golden colour and shine, options like sweetened almond milk or melted butter work well. Experiment to find the level of browning and gloss you prefer.
  4. Recipe Compatibility: Ensure that the chosen substitute complements the other ingredients in your recipe. Some recipes may work better with certain egg wash alternatives due to their specific characteristics.
  5. Allergies: If you or anyone consuming your baked goods has allergies, double-check that the selected substitute does not contain any allergens that should be avoided.
  6. Experiment: Don’t hesitate to experiment with different egg wash substitutes to find the one that suits your taste and your recipe’s requirements best. You might discover unique and exciting flavours and textures.

Ultimately, the right egg wash substitute depends on your dietary needs, personal preferences, and the specific results you want to achieve in your baked goods. With a little experimentation, you can find the perfect substitute that meets your requirements and enhances your culinary creations.


Whether you’re vegan, dairy-free, or simply out of eggs, there are plenty of egg wash substitutes to choose from that can achieve a beautiful finish on your baked goods. Experiment with these alternatives to find the one that best suits your taste and dietary needs. Enjoy your egg-free and deliciously baked creations without compromising on flavor or texture. Remember that baking time and temperature may vary slightly with different substitutes, so be sure to keep an eye on your treats in the oven. Happy baking!

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