Bagels are a beloved staple, especially in New York, where they’re cherished for their chewy texture and delicious flavors. But what happens when you find yourself with a surplus of fresh bagels or want to prepare in advance? Can you freeze bagels? The answer is yes, you can freeze bagels to extend their shelf life without compromising their quality. In this article, we’ll show you the right way to freeze and defrost bagels, ensuring they remain as tasty as the day you first enjoyed them.

Why Freeze Bagels

Freezing bagels serves as a practical solution for preserving their freshness and extending their shelf life. Whether you have an excess of store-bought bagels or want to prepare homemade ones in advance, freezing prevents wastage and ensures that you always have a delicious treat on hand. By following proper wrapping and sealing techniques, you can shield bagels from freezer burn and maintain their original taste and texture.

This approach not only saves you time but also allows you to enjoy your favorite bagels conveniently, whether it’s for a quick breakfast or a satisfying snack.

Benefits of Freezing Bagels

Freezing bagels offers several benefits that make it a smart choice for bagel lovers. First and foremost, it helps to reduce food waste by preserving bagels that might otherwise go stale or moldy. Additionally, freezing bagels allows for better meal planning and preparation, as you can store them for future use without compromising their quality.

Whether you’re a fan of store-bought or homemade bagels, freezing them maintains their taste, texture, and aroma. Properly wrapped and sealed bagels in the freezer also fend off the risk of freezer burn, ensuring each bite remains as delightful as the day the bagels were first enjoyed. Freeing bagel properly ultimately provides convenience, saves money, and allows you to savor your favorite bagels whenever you crave them.

Cons of Freezing Bagels

While freezing bagels offers numerous advantages, there are also a few drawbacks to consider. One potential downside is that the texture of the bagel might slightly change after freezing and thawing, becoming a bit denser. Additionally, improper packaging or sealing can lead to freezer burn, affecting the flavor and quality of the bagel.

Another aspect to keep in mind is that not all bagel toppings or fillings freeze well; ingredients like fresh vegetables or delicate spreads might not retain their original taste and texture.

Lastly, the defrosting process can take some time, requiring a bit of planning ahead. Despite these minor cons, with proper preparation and care, freezing bagels can still provide a convenient and efficient way to enjoy your favorite treats while minimizing their downsides.

How to Freeze Bagels: The Proper Technique

Step 1: Slice Bagels (Optional)

Before freezing your bagels, you have the option to slice them. This can make the defrosting process more efficient and help prevent the need to defrost the entire bagel if you only want half. Use a sharp knife to slice the bagels into halves, taking care to maintain an even cut.

Step 2: Wrap Individually

Individually wrap each bagel half with plastic wrap. This will prevent freezer burn and keep the bagels fresh during freezing. Make sure the plastic wrap is tightly sealed around each bagel to minimize the exposure to air.

Step 3: Place in Freezer Bag

For an added layer of protection, place the individually wrapped bagel halves into a freezer bag. Squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing the bag. Proper sealing is crucial to prevent moisture from entering and affecting the bagels’ quality.

Step 4: Label and Date

Don’t forget to label the freezer bag with the date you’re freezing the bagels. This will help you keep track of their freshness and make it easier to use the oldest ones first.

Step 5: Store in Freezer

Place the labeled and sealed freezer bag in the coldest part of your freezer. The temperature should ideally be set to 0°F (-18°C) or lower for optimal preservation.

How Long Are Frozen Bagels Good For In The Freezer

Frozen bagels can remain of good quality in the freezer for an extended period if stored properly. Generally, bagels can maintain their optimal flavor and texture for about 2 to 3 months when frozen at 0°F (-18°C) or lower. It’s important to adhere to proper wrapping and sealing techniques to prevent freezer burn, which can affect the taste and overall quality of the bagels over time.

How to Defrost Frozen Bagels

Step 1: Remove from Freezer

When you’re ready to enjoy your frozen bagels, take out the desired number of bagel halves from the freezer bag. Always reseal the remaining bagels promptly to prevent freezer burn.

Step 2: Defrost at Room Temperature

Place the frozen bagel halves on a plate or a wire rack at room temperature. Allow them to defrost for a few hours. Avoid defrosting them in the microwave or using hot water, as this can lead to uneven thawing.

Step 3: Refreshing Your Bagels

If you prefer a warmer bagel or want to add a bit of crispiness, you can use an air fryer. Preheat the air fryer to 350°F (175°C) and air fry the bagel halves for about 2-3 minutes. Keep a close eye on them to prevent overcooking.

How to Freeze Homemade Bagels

If you’re making homemade bagels and want to freeze them for later, follow the steps above for the best results. To ensure your bagels are freezer-friendly, consult a trusted bagel recipe with a high recipe rating. Look for recipes that have been positively reviewed by other home cooks to ensure you’re using a reliable and delicious recipe.

What else can you freeze?

Beyond bagels, there’s a world of culinary possibilities waiting to be explored in your freezer. From ingredients to dishes, freezing can be a valuable tool for preserving the freshness and flavors of various foods. Whether you’re looking to cut down on food waste, prepare meals in advance, or simply extend the lifespan of your favorite ingredients, the freezer can be your ally. Here’s a list of items that can be successfully frozen!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Not To Store Bagels

Improper storage of bagels can lead to undesirable outcomes, diminishing their taste and quality. One common mistake is leaving bagels at room temperature for an extended period, which can cause them to dry out quickly and lose their freshness. Storing bagels in a breadbox or airtight container on the countertop might seem logical, but this can actually accelerate staleness. Furthermore, storing bagels in the refrigerator can also have adverse effects, as the cold temperature can cause them to become overly firm or tough. To ensure the best results, avoid storing bagels at room temperature or in the refrigerator for prolonged periods.

Should I freeze the bagels whole or sliced

Whether to freeze bagels whole or sliced depends on your preferences and intended usage. Slicing bagels before freezing can be convenient, as it allows you to defrost only the number of halves you need, reducing waste. Sliced bagels also tend to thaw more quickly and evenly.

However, if you prefer the texture of a whole bagel or plan to use it for sandwiches or toasting, freezing them as a whole might be more suitable. Regardless of your choice, the key lies in proper wrapping and sealing to prevent freezer burn.

Can you freeze bagel sandwiches?

Yes, you can absolutely freeze bagel sandwiches to have a convenient and ready-to-eat meal option on hand. Freezing bagel sandwiches is a great way to prep for busy days or to ensure that you always have a satisfying lunch or snack available.

How to freeze a bagel sandwich

To freeze bagel sandwiches, assemble them as you normally would, including all the fillings and condiments. Wrap each sandwich tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn and maintain the flavors. Then, place the wrapped sandwiches in a resealable freezer bag, squeezing out any excess air before sealing.

How to Defrost a Frozen Bagel Sandwich

When you’re ready to enjoy a frozen bagel sandwich, simply take it out of the freezer, unwrap it, and let it thaw in the refrigerator or at room temperature for a few hours. Avoid thawing in the microwave, as this might result in a soggy texture.

Can You Freeze Bagels in Original Packaging

While it’s possible to freeze bagels in their original packaging, it’s not the most optimal method. Bagel packaging might not provide sufficient protection against freezer burn, which can impact the bagels’ taste and quality. It’s recommended to individually wrap the bagels in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and place them in a freezer bag to ensure proper preservation during freezing. This extra step helps maintain the bagels’ freshness and prevents moisture loss, ultimately resulting in a better texture and flavor when you’re ready to enjoy them.

How to toast a frozen bagel in a toaster

Toasting a frozen bagel in a toaster is simple and quick. Place the frozen bagel halves directly into the toaster slots and set the toaster to a medium setting. Toast the bagels for one to two cycles, or until they’re golden brown and crispy. Keep a close eye on them to prevent overtoasting. Once done, let the bagels cool for a moment before adding your favorite toppings or spreads.

Can you freeze bagel dough?

Yes, you can freeze bagel dough to enjoy fresh bagels at your convenience. After kneading and allowing the dough to rise, divide it into individual portions for bagels. Shape each portion and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Freeze until firm, then transfer the dough balls to a resealable freezer bag. When ready to bake, simply remove the desired number of dough balls, let them thaw and rise at room temperature, and proceed with boiling and baking as usual.


Freezing bagels is a convenient way to extend their shelf life and always have a tasty treat on hand. By following the right steps for freezing and defrosting, you can preserve the freshness and flavor of your bagels, whether they’re store-bought or homemade. Remember, the key is proper wrapping, sealing, and defrosting techniques to maintain the quality of your beloved bagels. So go ahead and freeze those extra bagels without worry – a delicious bite is just a defrost away!

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