If you are like me, your cutting boards get odours trapped in them after a while. Especially wooden ones. I can’t even tell you how many onions, garlic or other produce has been chopped, sliced or diced in the last few months.

Every Spring, I like to freshen up and revive my wooden cutting boards. If you take good care of them, they will last you a very long time. I’ve had some of mine since my University days…and I’m not even going to tell you how long ago that was.

I’m sure you’ve already heard of lemons being a fantastic and natural cleaning agent. The acid in lemons is antibacterial and antiseptic. It’s also the most natural bleach that you can find. The scent will help eliminate odours that are trapped in the wood and will refresh the surface. Please keep in mind that lemon is not a disinfectant.


  1. Slice a lemon in half and sprinkle salt over your cutting board.

  2. Using the sliced side, scrub the surface while squeezing the lemon and rubbing in the salt.

  3. Cover the entire cutting board surface.

As your scrub, juices will release. Let the lemon juice sit on the board for about 5 minutes and rinse with water. Allow drying before use.

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